# of watchers: 12
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *hits the reset button*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: See... I told you guys I knew CPR...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: andrew i dont do cpr
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: i know how...
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: but it worked...
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: i do too i took a course on it
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I learned it, but then later on forgot it.
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I don't need it in my field... if you get electrocuted, you're most likely dead and you probably deserved it...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: lol i just dont do CPR sorry
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: Kimmy, I bet you would do CPR on me whether you knew it or not.
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yes i would on you
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ... scary
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: very
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: See. Once again, I prove someone wrong. No, I'm just kidding Kimmy. You call Kyra instead.
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *nods*
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: ..............
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *hides*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **pokes Autumn then runs away**
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *chases andrew*
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: gets in a car, locks the doors and closes the windows and turns the AC on high.**
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *Grabs andrew and hugs hi,*
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *him
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I'm in the car though...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: oh well
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **reclines the seat and falls asleep**
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *jumps in the car and lays on andrew*
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **picks Kimmy up off of me and gets out of the car grabbing the keys and locks the door on my way out** haha, you're locked in the car now and can't get out.
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *bangs on the door and window and scream* LET ME OUT!!!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *busts the window out*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **hands autumn the keys and runs up the tree**
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *jumps in and drives away* yay! i'm 13 and i'm driving a car!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: it isn't my car so what do I care for
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I just needed to get away from Kimmy... I mean... bob
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *come back* who wants wendys?
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: no thanks
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: kimmy?
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: Andrew that was mean *climbes up the tree and slaps andrew*
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: rofl
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: well you WERE chasing me...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: sorry i was messing around
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I didn't knew you could climb trees anyway...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: duhhh
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I better find a new hiding place then, i guess...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: uhh yea
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: oi u guys!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *hugs Andrew* I am sorry if I mad you mad
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **finds a hole in the tree and peeks in** squeek squeek
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: :(
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: squeekidy squeekidy squeek!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: im gonna cry *starts to cry*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **two squirrels show up in the hole in the tree and start squeeking at me. Thet then throws 2 peanuts at me, hitting me on the forehead** squeek squeek
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *still crying*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: why are you crying?
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: because
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ice cream anyone? i'll drive!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: ... okay. well, I have to go, bye
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: Message to all: Time for bikinibabe voting!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: no thank you i am not hungry i am to depressed
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ... rob? ice cream? i'm driving!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *still crying*
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: yeah ok kool ice cream
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: hop in i'm driving!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *still crying*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *sleeps*
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: *hops in*
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: GARY WAKE UP!
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *has been gone for a hour and is amazed how much you people talk*
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: haha
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *blink* ........um...n
2006-08-02 [Voice of the Voiceless]: o.o
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: me and kimmi
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o really!?
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: i do its under renovation
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yes i have myspace
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *nods*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: Same thing for me Vegeta,i use to be a fan page
2006-08-02 [Elf_Person]: i only got a video
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: gary, are you even rping in airship 2?
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: the link for my myspace is http://www.mys
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: >.< DAMNIT WAIT! lol
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: lol let me kno if u like my mypse
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *space
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: pse?
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: i cant see it O_o
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay http://www.mys
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: :P
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o i think i have to be your friend to see it........ mines http://www.mys
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: i sent u a friend request
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ...
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: brb i need to restart my computer
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: k... gary u there?
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I'm so fucking happy!
2006-08-02 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay i am back and andrew why are you so happy??
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ...?
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: I talked to Kyra, duh... the only thing in my life that makes me truly happy
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: you dont care about me anymore! wah! *drives the car into a tree*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: no, you makes me somewhat happy, but you don't fill the void in my heart and soul
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ow
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: not to be measn or anything...
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ouch
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: ^-^ like that day i talked to cathy! i was so happy!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: See, Gary know wht I mean... it isn't anything personal, it's just that... aura that you get when you have the world in your arms and you don't want to let it go.
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: help? *is pinned between the car and a tree*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: I get it! its a odd feeling.Your stomach tickles a little
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: Yeah, and you feel like going around catching butterflies even though everyone would laugh at you
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: then the rest of the day you just smile....you cant help but to smile.....
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: exactly
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: see we do have something in common!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: exactly
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: damnit guys!
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *runs up the tree and gives squirrls nuts* YAY!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: What Autumn...
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: i'm pinned between a car and your god damn tree!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: oh whoops... POOR TREE!!!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: **helps Autumn out**
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ow...
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *pets the tree* im so sorry she ran into you SEE AUTUM! YOU DRINK YOU DRIVE YOU LOSE!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: I WASNT DRINKING! thanks Andrew. *runs away crying*
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: You still need to apologize to the tree Autumn!
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: T-T *grabs autum* im sowwie!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: i tree is more important than me!
2006-08-02 [spartan glory]: no it isn't I'm just kidding
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: No......its just..THAT TREE IS COOL.....
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: *jumps on gary and hugs*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *MEEP* AHHHHHHRRRRRRR
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: lol find i wont do it ill leave u alone
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: ARRRRRRRGGGGG you stole me burried treasure!
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: lol
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o you stole it >.< THATS IT! *pokes you with a sword*
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: who u talkin 2??
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: wah! a tree is more important than me!
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: gary who u talkin too??
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *hugs autum* CALM DOWN >.< THE TREE ISNT! and...YOU ADDI! :{P PIRATES KICK ASSSSSSSSSKKKK
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: i tree is more important than me!
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: >.< *buys you a new computer* NOW IS IT!?
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: no sir! *sits infront of the computer playing computer game
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: LOL!! *LOOKS AT U AND LAUGHS*
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *mouth drops* Name your price......
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: *hugs gary* thank you gary!
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *stare*....>.< answer the question!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: ... what question?
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: what do you want >.< DAMNIT!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: i dont know...
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *pokes you* thats it that trees going DOWN!
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: LMFAO
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *cuts it down* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE
2006-08-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: LOL
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: >.<
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: LMFAO
2006-08-02 [Sky Chord]: *buys cathy a laptop*......*
2006-08-02 [Hinata-Chan]: pretty laptop gary but cathy aint on right now...
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: So..>.>.....<.<
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: GARYS BACK! *hugs gary*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *stare*..your touching me! COODIES! XD
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: I JUST TOOK A SHOWER NITWIT!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *crys* YOU HURT MY FEELINGS......
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *buys him a hamburger, a football, and a 48' plasma screen tv*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *crys louder* IM FULL! I DONT LIKE FOOTBALL AND PLASMA TVS SCARE ME...
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *takes out a picture of cathy*
2006-08-03 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hi all i just got back from swimming
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *takes the picturre* ill take that..
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: lies on the tree limb and stares into the sky
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: ... it was for you anyways!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *nods and hugs it* >.>.....<.< MINE!
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: three squirrels surround Autumn and look at her sadly
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *Shakes head and crys*
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: hello ppl
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams* I'M AFRAID OF SQUIRLLS!
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: they just want your nuts... or a picture of Kyra... Probably both.
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *drops walnuts and a picture of kyra on the ground* now GO AWAY!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: T-T you have a picture of Kyra too!? O_o Autum....ah...
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: DON'T DROP IT! *picks up the picture of Kyra and dusts it off and holds it, looking at it*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: ITS IN A FLIPPING PITURE FRAME!*runs away crying*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *anime sweat*........
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: climbs the tree looking at the picture andlies on the tree limb
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *catches Autum*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *poke*
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **the squirrels grab the nuts and run up the tree.**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *cheers*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *trips*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *Crys*
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **chuckles**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *goes all crazy* O_O YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY! WELL TAKE THAT!* Punches a rock* RAWR!
Number of comments: 4712
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